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Parks & Recreation 3.3.08 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2008

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Marty Tilton

(MP)   7:02pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens: Billie Luker and Patricia Fillmore (Parks & Rec. Committee Applicants)

Minutes were not discussed at this meeting.
Other Business
Introduction Applicants for P&R Committee Positions
(MP) Mike Prisco welcomed our audience and made the introductions to the committee and then each committee member introduced themselves.

NRYFL issues & Corrective Actions
This topic was tabled until a future meeting.

Warrant Article for KidSpot
The article was written up and all set to be presented to Board Of Selectmen at meeting tonight.  The total
cost of project will be approximately $76,000 of which $40,000 will be for site work and $36,000
will be improvements and updates.  Parks and Recreation are only asking for the Hillview Commission
to fund $50,000 of the project and Parks & Recreation will pay for the balance of the project.

Budget Cut Information for Board Of Selectmen Meeting
(RM) Rita Mullen informed the committee the Board Of Selectmen (BOS) have talked about cutting
P&R budget by removing the P&R Director salary from the town’s operating budget and require it to
be funded from the P&R revolving account.  This will be presented at the BOS meeting this evening.

Break for Selectmen Meeting in Room 14 of Town Hall at 7:30pm

The BOS discussed potential budget cuts from non-essential dept.’s & employees to bring the money
over to the school budget to balance the school budget.  Chairman of the BOS, Bob Mauceri suggests
$525,000 in cuts as follows: Library $25,000, snow & Ice removal $?, Cut 2 police officers $100,000,
Change in insurance co-pays $300,000, cut recreation $100,000.

BOS decision is to cut P&R director salary from Town operating budget and have it funded out of P&R revolving account.
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Break for Selectmen Meeting in Room 14 of Town Hall at 7:30pm (cont’d)

        KidSpot warrant article – Rita Mullin summarized for the BOS that as of right now estimated cost of project would be $76000; $40,000 site work and $36,000 for repairs and improvements.  Warrant would only be asking for $50,000 from Hillview Commission with the rest being paid by P&R.

        Rezoning of 5 Central St.- BOS confused as to why P&R is asking for rezoning of 5 Central St.(Wheeler Property).  Rita Mullen explained that this would make the Wheeler Property the same zoning as Ipswich river Park for the use of recreational purposes, to make all the zoning conforming. Steve O’Leary disagreed and said that zoning should not be changed and he is under the impression that the Hillview Commission does not want the zoning changed either.  Rita returned saying that she will recheck with the Hillview Commission on the matter.

P&R meeting reconvened at 10:30pm to continue.

Other Business (cont’d)
Marketing Campaign –Contact Big Business for $$$
This topic was table for another meeting.

Reminder-NRSA Attending 03/17/08 Committee meeting.
This topic was table for another meeting.

Wheeler Property/Mark Hall
Mark Hall gave Rita Mullen a design drawing for an addition or work to be estimated at the Wheeler
Property.  Cost would be about $130,000.

Old Business
Update on FY2009 Budget status
This topic was table for another meeting.

Wine tasting scheduling and tasking
This topic was table for another meeting.

New Business
Request 100% Ownership of Town Hall Gym
(MP) Mike Prisco has approached the Town Administrator to ask him what he thought about Parks & Recreation taking over control of the Town Hall Gym.

Insurance agency Donation
This topic was table for another meeting.

2008 Goals
Mike Prisco handed out the Goals from 2008 and asked everyone to please take some time and review and revise for the next meeting.

I9 Flag football Sports run by Billie Luker
This is a flag football league being offered through Billie Luker.  It is for ages 4 years old until 14 years old.  They have their own insurance, a website, market is a 10 mile radius of North Reading, 1st Franchise here is New England, Both for boys and girls, Runs May through July. Billie would like to work through P&R so that he is not competing against them. There was some discussion had to ask if this would be taking away from P&R, but Director Lynne Clemens does not feel that it would be. Lynne and Billie will sit and discuss and see if they can work up a schedule, Committee like the idea.
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(SC)    A motion was made by Sergio Coviello to adjourn the meeting at 10:49 pm.
(RM)    Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Meeting Adjourned at 10:49pm